Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Expect Two Deposits Next Payday

The fol­low­ing is the lat­est update from DFAS on the April 15 pay­check snafu.

Due to the near shut­down expe­ri­ence last week, most mil­i­tary will get two deposits in their bank accounts on April 15.  Accord­ing to DFAS, they are now pro­cess­ing the remain­ing seven days of mid-month pay, so ser­vice mem­bers will see their nor­mal total mid-month pay, but with more than one deposit into their account.

Note: Active duty and reservists in the Marine Corps who will receive the nor­mal sin­gle full

Although Army, Navy, and Air Force active duty mem­bers will receive two pay­ments to cover their full mid-month pay on April 15, the most cur­rent Net Pay Advice state­ments will still only show the par­tial pay­ments for the week of April 1–8.

In addi­tion, Army, Navy and Air Force reservists will receive full mid-month pay by April 15, but again, the most cur­rent Leave and Earn­ings State­ment (LES) will still only show the par­tial pay­ments for April 1–8.

In both cases a full account­ing of April pay will be avail­able on the nor­mal end of month LES, posted to myPay accounts on April 22.

Sim­ply put — Every­one (active and reserve) will get paid like nor­mal on April 15  - but they will get it in two deposits (same day) —  and the LES’s will be back to nor­mal on April 22. deposit.

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