Retired Milwaukee police officers now have the right to carry a concealed weapon.
The Fire and Police Commission on Thursday night unanimously approved a plan for the Police Department to certify its retirees.
Any qualified citizen can get a permit to carry a concealed weapon in 48 states, so many retired police officers in Milwaukee believe they should be allowed to also.
"I'd like to be able to defend myself. Right now, I don't have that right. So, right now, the only people carrying guns right now are police officers and the criminals," retired Milwaukee police Sgt. Wray Young said.
Young said fellow retirees have been waiting for six years for this request from Milwaukee's police chief to be approved.
The Wisconsin Anti Violence Effort told 12 News "Based on the evidence, we don't think there are benefits. However, we recognize that retired police officers have a different level of training and accountability, and that brings us some comfort."
The officers would have to take a refresher firearms course, qualify on the range and pay a $100 annual fee.
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